Do You Think You’re Stuck with Cravings? by Joan Kent, PhD

A big mistake when it comes to quitting  — or even limiting — sugar is believing that sugar cravings will always be with you.

From that perspective, the best you can do is “manage” cravings. Or “curb” them. Or find a so-called healthy way to “satisfy a sweet tooth.”

I truly believe that’s the coward’s way! Yet most advice on handling cravings goes in that direction. You deserve better, and you can do better.

What Should You Do Instead?

Set a goal of eliminating cravings once and for all. Really.

You absolutely can stop a craving in its tracks within a few minutes.  AND you can eat in a way that eliminates cravings altogether. 

Why not choose long-term freedom, instead of choosing to be a slave to cravings forever?

The short-term craving-killing strategy is to take 1 tsp of liquid B-complex (all the Bs, not just one or two). Do check with your doctor to be sure B vitamins are okay for you, but honestly:  you won’t believe how effective this is — or how quickly it works.

How does it work? It gives your brain the co-factors (catalysts) that it needs to form the brain chemicals that stop cravings.

What About That Once-and-For-All Thing?

That takes a longer strategy, and maybe some help from a pro. That’s what I do, and I’d love to help you. Please visit LastResortNutrition and grab your free copy of “3 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Quitting Sugar.” Discover how easy it can be to get past your cravings and stop your compulsive eating of sugar.

Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar.