Are 3 Food Myths Keeping You Stuck? by Joan Kent, PhD

Many myths about food and nutrition exist, but the 3 below seem to come up over and over.

  1. Nutrition is just for weight loss.

Sure, weight loss is the main reason people modify their food. Sure, weight-loss information is available almost everywhere online. And much of it contradicts other weight loss info you’ll find online.

But good nutrition helps with many issues. For example:

Do you have trouble recovering quickly after workouts? The right food plan can shift that completely so you’re ready to work out again the next day.

  • Do you have high blood pressure, diabetes, pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, or other health problem? The right food plan can reverse those problems. Really.
  • Do you have trouble falling asleep – or staying asleep all night? The right food tips can help ensure a great night’s sleep.
  • Do you need more energy? Do your moods go up and down? The right food plan can help you manage and reverse either (or both) of those issues.
  • Do you have trouble concentrating? The right food plan can help you focus and stay productive.
  1. Weight loss is just calories in/calories out. I can do it on my own.

Yes, you can do many things on your own. That includes decreasing calories. But foods are a lot more than their calories. The hormones they trigger may be much more significant.

It’s not true that all calories are equal. Changing what you eat can often make a bigger difference than decreasing how much. Input from a coach can really help.

  1. Uh-oh: It’s complicated and difficult.

It doesn’t have to be difficult. Small – easy – changes can produce big results.

But there’s a catch – you have to do it. Good coaching can help you make those small changes and get the results you want.

Are you ready to say goodbye to mood swings, high blood pressure, and endless diet failures? Sign up for our free Power Eating consult at LastResortNutrition and start your journey towards a better life today. See how simple it is to make small changes that help you feel fantastic.

Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar.