5 Nutrition ‘Worsts’: #2. The Worst Trend by Joan Kent, PhD

Yes, the Ranking List continues. Over the next few days, this will be a compilation of ‘worsts’ in several nutrition categories.

Today’s is The Worst Trend.

That would have to be the low-fat trend. It’s not “new” but the trend persists! It grew out of the low-fat direction that folks were scared into by the sugar industry’s lies.  

Several years ago, I posted 2 articles on those sugar industry lies: 

“Why Sugar Hacked Science (And Your Health)” https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-sugar-hacked-science-your-health-kent-phd-best-selling-author/?trackingId=4sbOWEyOQem2kSYEu5zAYA%3D%3D 

“My Sugar Industry Article Scooped the NY Times!”  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-sugar-industry-article-scooped-ny-times-joan/?trackingId=rBt74hsTS927TB%2FenzUiiw%3D%3D

The low-fat trend had several consequences:

1. the consumption of much more sugar (great for the sugar industry’s profits)

2. the addition of sugar to low- and nonfat foods (great for the sugar industry’s profits)

3. a reduction in satiety (Fats trigger satiety hormones, sugar does not, and people keep eating. Again, good for Big Sugar.)

4. the ongoing obesity epidemic in the U.S. (Big Sugar didn’t care; they made huge profits)

So it may be old news, but I still run into clients who are afraid to eat fats. 

What to Do Instead

  • Eat some good fats:   Walnuts, walnut oil, raw coconut oil, fish oil, avocado, avocado oil, olive oil, raw nuts, macadamia nut oil
  • Avoid sugar. (You knew I’d say that sooner or later, right?)

Sick of feeling out of control around food and seeing no improvement in your health? Don’t give up – head to www.LastResortNutrition.com and schedule a free intro consult to uncover the 3 Biggest Mistakes People Make when trying to quit sugar. It’s time to take control of your health and well-being!

Brought to you by Dr. Joan Kent, best-selling author of Stronger Than Sugar.